Hugo: shortcode for displaying a cards
Hugo shortcode snippet for displaying a cards (with tiles and content). Cards will help you highlight a block content in a post
Hugo: frontmatter title block code snippet for Visual Studio Code
In VSCode, Code Snippets are templates that make it easier to enter repeating code patterns, such as loops or conditional-statements. Learn how to use code snippets to generate frontmatter title block for Hugo
Hugo: How to dump a variable to build console
Many time you may want to inspect or dump variables of current scope in Hugo
Hugo: How to filter/remove urls from sitemap.xml
Sometimes you may want to remove certain urls or path from sitemap.xml to improve seo of you website. Here is how you do it for hugo static site generator.
Hugo: How to integrate Handlebar.js with hugo static site generator
Since hugo and handlebar.js both use same template syntax, directly including the handlebar.js template in hugo will reslut hugo build error. Here is the workaround on How to include Handlebar.js or any js templating library that use the same syntax as hugo templates.