Woocommerce How to setup GST Tax for India (2024) | devnodes.in

Woocommerce How to setup GST Tax for India (2024)

Follow this woocommerce guide to learn how to setup GST Tax for India.

Hugo: Using getJSON to fetch remote REST API in hugo template | devnodes.in

Hugo: Using getJSON to fetch remote REST API in hugo template

Hugo is very powerful static site builder, it can fetch any JSON rest API and build content out of it. In this example we will use getJSON hugo function to fetch the json data from Woocommerce site. You can develope this further and create a full fledged headless e-commerce website with hugo at the frontend wordpress and woocommerce as a backend.

Wordpress: How to send email using wp_email() | devnodes.in

Wordpress: How to send email using wp_email()

wp_mail() is a wrapper function available in wordpress core that can send emails using wordpress configuration. You can use wp_mail() to send emails from wordpress/woocommerce plugins and themes.

Wordpress: Schedule a hook to be triggered by at the specified interval. | devnodes.in

Wordpress: Schedule a hook to be triggered by at the specified interval.

Wordpress core offer hook Schedules functionality. We can shedule custom events using wp_schedule_event() and wp_next_scheduled() hooks which will be triggered by WordPress at the specified interval.

Woocommerce: How to add weight based shipping method | devnodes.in

Woocommerce: How to add weight based shipping method

Here are the steps on how to add weight slab based shipping cost calculation on woocommmerce

Woocommerce: How to Remove shipping cost from shopping cart | devnodes.in

Woocommerce: How to Remove shipping cost from shopping cart

If you want to remove the shipping cost from the woocommerce shopping cart. Then here are the simple steps how to remove/hide from shopping cart.

Wordpress: remove/unregister all hooks from a action | devnodes.in

Wordpress: remove/unregister all hooks from a action

A function to Unregister all hooks from a wordpress/woocommerce action