Linux: How to convert an MP3 to WAV in Linux command line
If want to quickly convert mp3 to wav in linux command line, this command line tool will help you. It is easy to statically cross compile and use it in embedded Linux devices.
Woocommerce: How to add weight based shipping method
Here are the steps on how to add weight slab based shipping cost calculation on woocommmerce
Woocommerce: How to Remove shipping cost from shopping cart
If you want to remove the shipping cost from the woocommerce shopping cart. Then here are the simple steps how to remove/hide from shopping cart.
Wordpress: How to get the url of a navigation menu by name
If you know the name of a menu’s name, and want to get its url for menu then here is the code.
Wordpress: remove/unregister all hooks from a action
A function to Unregister all hooks from a wordpress/woocommerce action
Hugo: How to dump a variable to build console
Many time you may want to inspect or dump variables of current scope in Hugo
Hugo: How to filter/remove urls from sitemap.xml
Sometimes you may want to remove certain urls or path from sitemap.xml to improve seo of you website. Here is how you do it for hugo static site generator.
Hugo: How to integrate and compile bootstrap from source
Hugo has inbuilt support to compile sass, scss and js sources. In this article we will explain how to compile Bootstrap’s CSS and JavaScript libraries from source. You can follow the similar approach to compile almost any independent sass, scss and JavaScript libraries.
Hugo: How to integrate Handlebar.js with hugo static site generator
Since hugo and handlebar.js both use same template syntax, directly including the handlebar.js template in hugo will reslut hugo build error. Here is the workaround on How to include Handlebar.js or any js templating library that use the same syntax as hugo templates.
Hugo: What is the difference between and
Learn what is the difference between and